Welcome! from Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada

Provincial Highway Cams

sask (6K) alberta (5K)

manitoba (6K) bc (10K)

Two of my world favorite webcams.

The Temple Bar, Dublin Ireland

tbar (3590K)  tbar1 (3262K)

Online Rock Radio Station

classicrockstationsm (5K)

Saskatoon's only live webcam! (image only, no video for now)

My webcam located in East Saskatoon, by College and Mckercher, facing WNW

New image every 5 minutes, when the software doesn't decide to shut down.

!!  Typing  KEYS:  Ctrl + F5  - if newest image does not appear.  !!

Now seen on camguide.net

Webcam located in East Saskatoon, by College and McKercher, facing WNW

New images every 5 minutes.

wait (666K)

Measurements taken from East Side Saskatoon:
(not the west side airport readings)

November 2024:Total - East Saskatoon = 0.21 inches (5.46 mm) rain
18.75 inches (47.87 mm) snow

December 2024:Total - East Saskatoon = 8.34 inches (21.20 cm) snow
0.35 inches (9.39 mm) of rain/snow


January 2025: January 10-11 = 1.25 inches (3.17 cm) of snow
January 13 = 0.40 inches (1.01 cm) of snow

January 16-17 = 1.10 inches (2.79 cm) of snow
January 22 = 0.10 inches (0.25 cm) of snow
January 23 = 0.20 inches (0.50 cm) of snow
January 24 = 0.10 inches (0.25 cm) of snow
January 31 = 2.20 inches (5.58 cm) of snow

February 2025: February 01-02 = 1.75 inches (4.44 cm) of snow
February 05-06 = 4.50 inches (11.43 cm) of snow so far

Canadian Drought Outlook

Live Lightning Map Worldwide

Daily Precipitation Totals From West Side Saskatoon
Precipitation (in mm)

Daily Precipitation Totals Regina
Precipitation (in mm)

ALTERNATIVE MEDIA - informed citizens know what is going on...

Northern PerspectiveMoose on the Loose True NorthClinton Jaws

Pierre PoilievreThe Pleb Toronto SunThe National Telegraph

Unacceptable FringePortuguesePai

Canadian Taxpayers FederationClyde Do Something

rat (30K)

!!  Ex-Liberal BLASTS Trudeau - the real Trudeau being exposed!  !!

Trudeau, Women, & Minorities: the Brutal Reality - Jordan Peterson Full Interview

Our PM is on something...

"He's a Phony | You're All Suckers" Trudeau's CRAZY RANT About Poilievre During Liberal Retreat

In case you haven't noticed...

Canada Is Dying | Full Movie

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